A Week of Camp That Never Ended

What Royal Family Kids Camp is to me…(And became to our family)

It’s more than a safe, loving environment for a group of Foster Kids to enjoy a week away from their less than deserving life situations.  It’s more than a fun filled, organized camp setting, suited for their many special needs. It’s more than the decorations, props and or perfectly thought out themes. It’s more than the hands on crafts, activities, pool time and fishing. It’s more than the Birthday party, talent show and fun events. It’s even more than the opportunity to overcome fears and trust unknown adults. It’s more than the laughter and tears. It’s more than the songs sung, skits watched and stories shared. It’s more than the new bibles, prayers, praise and encouragement each child receives. It’s just so much more…….

This camp is more than what any of its directors, counselors, therapists, nurses, and activity, music and service leaders could ever accomplish on their own.  God has chosen the people and the campers that come. Each team member and camper is handpicked and a part of Gods amazing work and plan.  Over and over again I have seen Him use team members to minister directly into a child’s life. They offer Hope, Trust and Love! God’s amazing Love that heals, ministers and transforms lives for His glory and His purpose!  These things are so evident, freely welcomed, and embraced by everyone at camp. No one can escape the presence of the Lord and the Love that shines straight from the creator of all things good. It’s Gods camp!

It takes obedience from each team member as they take the first step in wanting to participate and make a difference. It takes sacrifice. Sacrifice of time, income from their jobs, and separation from family. It takes a heart willing to render to unknowns. It takes a willingness to step out of comfort zones. It takes surrendering to agenda’s and expectations. It takes an openness to allow the Lord to work however He sees fit. Team members from different walks, backgrounds and with various personalities. Yet each and every one of them is prayerfully and then carefully placed by God. As the days go by, a week at camp becomes a masterpiece that unfolds in the lives of everyone! A beautiful one designed by the hand of God. This masterpiece, and the precious moments in creating it, are engraved on everyone’s hearts forever!

Over ten years ago it became even bigger than the “one week at camp” for me and my family.  It prayerfully, and out of complete obedience, became the beginning steps for my husband and I to forever step out of our comfort zones and into many unknowns. By the grace of God we made decisions that quickly became our “new lifestyle.”  It has since been a daily decision and sometimes a difficult one, to change children’s lives forever. It took just one phone call to our area Department of Social Service Department. That one call made our “Beyond Royal Family” begin and it has changed our lives forever! 

I guess you could say….In a way….We have daily been living a kind of “Royal Family Kids Camp.”  Over and over again we have welcomed a new “Royal Family Kid” in our home, in our lives, and in our hearts forever. With every short and long term placement, every transition of a child, every emergency removal and or respite call, (Respite is an overnight break for another foster family) and with all three of our adoptions we have “lived camp”.  It’s “Gods camp” in our family too!

Camp is full of many “firsts” for the kids. And believe me…we too have had many things occur for the “first time” with children in our home. God has perfectly placed children with us and given us everything we have needed in caring for and loving them. I can’t imagine life without every one of our precious Gifts! I call their names out in prayer often, and I know God is always fighting for them! He sees their needs and is working things out for them according to His plan. His plan does not include harm and is perfect for every child.   Plans

I am so thankful He chose us to be a part of so many beautiful lives….I will forever be grateful for my very first week at Royal Family Kids Camp over ten years ago.  I will forever be grateful for the way it changed my families lives forever! It is a week that has never ended for us 🙂

I challenge you to step out of your comfort zone. If the Lord moves you….Go with Him! Do it prayerfully and in obedience to what the Lord is asking of you. It will always be right when it is done following after Him! Trust Him and the power of His anointing on you…You too can forever make a difference in a child’s life (and or) in others lives! 

2 thoughts on “A Week of Camp That Never Ended

  1. Nicely done Susan. Thank you for your service the the kids at camp and to the many you have served in your home. -Jeff Juhala, Training Director RFK.

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